This is another encouraging development in market reform . 30 这亦是市场改革另一个可喜的发展。
This is another encouraging development in market reform , " said mr yam 这亦是市场改革另一个可喜的发展。
In line with idea of mutual support and common development , changshu renfa metal products plant has been sincerely establishing long - term cooperative relationships with many enterprises , which grealy accelerates its development in market competition 本厂本着与客户相互提携、共同发展的经营理念,以诚相待,与众多企业建立长期的协作关系,并籍此使本厂在激烈的市场竞争中不断壮大、阔步前进。
In order to get out of the dilemma and contribute more in making profit , developing new logistics market and propelling the update and regeneration of traditional post has become the certain choice for guangzhou post ' s sustainable development in market competition 为了摆脱行业困境,为邮政行业全面扭亏为盈做出更大的贡献,发展新型物流业务的市场空间,推进传统邮政的升级改造,已成为广州邮政面向市场竞争,实现可持续发展的必然选择。
This paper attempt to introduce marketing theory into shipping of our country under new economic conditions . in the new environment of globalization of economy and china ' s entering world trade organization , this paper made researches on the appliance of marketing theory in shipping enterprise . with the new research achievement and developments in marketing field , this paper bring forth some new ideas 在经济全球化及我国加入wto的背景下,针对近年来国内外营销学界最新的研究成果与动态,特别是关于新经济理论的研究成果,本文试图将市场营销理论与我国航运业实际结合起来,研究市场营销理论在航运业的应用,力求有所创新。